Instructional Design And Technology

///Instructional Design And Technology
Instructional Design And Technology2019-08-23T05:50:05+00:00

Project Description


Instructional design and technology (IDT) encompasses the analysis of learning and performance problems, and the design, development, implementation, evaluation and management of instructional and noninstructional processes and resources intended to improve learning and performance” (Reiser, 2002).

Instructional Design Models (IDM) Instructional design models help instructional designers to make sense of abstract learning theory and enable real world application. Models provide guidelines or frameworks to organize and structure the process of creating instructional activities. These models can be used to guide  your approach to the art or science (your choice) of instructional design. Driscoll & Carliner (2005) states that “ design is more than a process; that process, and  resulting product, represent a framework of thinking” (p. 9).


ADDIE vs SAM Development Models
TCS eLearning Report

by Mitch, Thad Stott, and Dr. Sean Nufer

edTech Tools